Availability for in-person Bromley SE London BR1 and online UK wide
Availability for in-person Bromley SE London BR1 and online UK wide
Before making a commitment in working together, I offer a free consultation of up to 30 minutes by phone, video call or in-person.
I understand this is a deeply personal adventure. From first hand experience I know very well that the relationship is key. Its great to find someone who you feel comfortable to work with, where you feel safe, secure, heard, empowered and trusting.
Concessions are offered where there can be a reduction on fees based on your personal circumstances. This is something we can explore together.
You are empowered to take control of the sessions. If you do not wish to continue, that's completely understandable. My service is non-judgmental and I understand first hand from my own therapy that feeling on when needing to end.
Endings are a natural part of life, we sometimes find ending a relationship or stopping something difficult. But we must remember that not everything lasts forever. If you feel that our work together is coming to an end for any reason, lets discuss within our sessions and find a pathway to ending our work together.
Infulistic 30 Tweedy Road Bromley BR1 3FE London
Copyright © 2024 Infulistic - All Rights Reserved.
Chris Murrell email: chris@infulistic.com Tel: 07866973610