Availability for in-person within Bromley and online
Availability for in-person within Bromley and online
This method combines Counselling, Psychotherapy, and Coaching to enhance self-understanding, provide practical tools, and support long-term change through a holistic approach. Rather than focusing on just the past, hoping to elect change, It examines the past and present while generating strategies for the future. Offering guidance for growth and helping to move from being stuck to unstuck.
Though Counselling, Psychotherapy, and Coaching have different aims and can conflict, the Personal Consultancy method views them as distinct yet complementary. By applying guiding principles across three stages, it ensures a balanced approach to exploration, understanding, and transformation.
The approach can be tailored to your needs, whether it's Coaching alone or just Counselling and Psychotherapy you are looking for. The Personal Consultancy method is flexible.
Counselling & Psychotherapy
I am not, I can not, I am told I am this, this happened to me, why is it like this
When we begin working together, you'll have the space and time to share your story and circumstances. I'll listen deeply, accepting who you are and validating your experiences. We’ll explore your past to understand your present, gaining a clear insight into your inner world, current perspectives, and how they’ve evolved over time. We’ll also delve into your goals, aspirations, and what you hope to achieve.
Counselling & Psychotherapy
I could do it, I might be able to, I can see this, I understand why, I get how this could be, I like
As you deepen your understanding of yourself, we’ll begin to explore your past from the present moment. Together, we’ll expand your perspectives, challenge assumptions, explore beliefs, understanding inner conflicts and embrace aspects of yourself and your life. By building self-awareness and uncovering alternatives, we’ll turn unknowns into knowns, address unfinished business, and help you regain control and confidence. This process lays a solid foundation to support meaningful change.
I want this, I can do it, I am doing this, I am this
As your understanding deepens and you find harmony within yourself, you’ll no longer be held back by the past. With newfound confidence and heightened self-awareness, we can now turn our focus to the future. Envisioning what a meaningful life looks like for you, plan what you desire, and build strategies that leverage your strengths. This is where you move from "I want" to "I am," taking action to create lasting change and turning your future vision into your present reality.
Various techniques can be employed throughout the stages. The Personal Consultancy method acts as a map, guiding us on where we are, where we're going, and which techniques to use. Each person and situation are unique, so only the most relevant and supportive techniques are selected for you.
Stage one
To understand your situation and clarify your aims, whether that’s achieving abstinence, reducing intake, changing your lifestyle, exploring how you see yourself and your environment. Together, we’ll explore your past into the present to uncover why a addiction has developed.
Stage two
In the present, we’ll work to identify your triggers, understand the purpose they serve and how your addiction challenge serves you. we'll explore how this has become a challenge for you. We’ll then implement short-term support structures and strategies to help you manage. Further expanding your views, build resilience and awareness.
Stage Three
Supporting you to develop long-term solutions and strategies to achieve your goal of abstinence, alongside healthier alternatives. This will empower you to move forward in life, actively doing and becoming what you desire.
Infulistic 30 Tweedy Road Bromley BR1 3FE
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Chris Murrell email: chris@infulistic.com Tel: 07866973610